Thursday, July 21, 2016

Artificial Intelligence, Robots and Privacy Oh My!

Learning about the history of artificial intelligence and robots is always exciting because there is never ending facts and stories that keep me interested in learning more. The fact that robots are thought of as being cool and ‘the future’ is sometimes how I think, but then you always have that one person who brings you back to reality and reminds you about the movies where robots turn evil. I personally think that there are good people out there inventing robots to help people in need of more assistance, like replacing limbs so people who do not have any can function better on their own. I sometimes think that people create some robots solely to be the first ones to create them, like they know that making these sex robots *cringe* will become popular, so they need to make them before anyone else does so that they can get all the credit. I really try to be optimistic about these things, but it is truly hard to keep to one side of if robots are really going to benefit us.

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